Tag Archive | lepidolite

So What Else is New?

Yeah, I owe you two posts. NOT THAT ANYBODY COMPLAINED!!!!

Post #1: Things Promotional

I did an interview with the Hangin’ With Web Show and it will be up on Youtube tomorrow!

Hangin’ With Youtube Channel

And Wednesday, April 25, 2017 (aka TOMORROW) I will be LIVE on Facebook, you can come hassle me at BookRhythm’s Night of Romance live event:

Night of Romance – Facebook

Plus, Affaire de Coeur magazine has been tweeting me up all over the place and… Monique DeSoto.  Monique. Yeah. We’ll talk about her later.

Post #2: So What the Hell Have I Been Doing?


I have been doing some non-book stuff. I make bracelets for healing. They look like this:

anti anxiety lepidolite anti anxiety sodalite

Both are anti-anxiety. The left is made with lepidolite, which is more of a mood stabilizer. The right is sodalite to fend off anxiety attacks.

prosperity prosperity 2

These guys are for prosperity. Both are made with green aventurine, which attracts prosperity.

anti migraine 1

Anti-migraine: Amethyst, Lapis lazuli


dragon bracelet strung

Courage: dragons blood jasper and dragon head bead. This stone is new to me. I love it.

All for sale. Inquire within.

Besides that, I rewrote a friend’s resume and edited a couple of stories.

And baked a ham.

Yes, I’ve been busy.