Tag Archive | Teasers

Me! Me! Me!

Today’s post is all about self-promotion. I will be adding a page so that the two or three of you that read this can actually come see me at upcoming signing events and (respectfully , politely, not in a creepy way) stalk me.

My Goodreads author profile:

Susan Thatcher on Goodreads

now has answers to questions. I’m interactive. Try me out.

I’ve finally compromised with my iPad (I won’t ask it to act like a computer and it will let email documents). I made two teasers for the books.


You’re right! There’s only one. Keep reading.

I’m working on making “At Last” available on multiple e-book platforms. Not yet a done deal (part of the iPad limitation issue). When it is cleared through the Smashwords Premium catalog, you’ll be able to get it through Nook, Kobo, and ITunes. THAT’s when I’ll post the “At Last” teaser in this space. I don’t want to confuse and irritate potential readers. Not over this anyway.

The paperbacks are available for order through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s, Amazon UK, Vromans, and Diesel. Or the “Buy It Now” link upstairs.

Forward progress. Baby steps, but they’re going forward.