Archive | December 2013

Reviews and Offers and Blog Tours, Oh My!

(And Mr. Takei, if you’re reading this, that’s not a quote)


See that? THAT BOOK got this review:

Central Bargains review of “At Last”

In the spirit of the season, you could even say it glows.

As part of the promotions going on this week, “These Foolish Things” is FREE on Kindle until tomorrow.

Link to free “At Last” on Kindle

And “At Last” is 99 cents (I really miss the old cents sign) until tomorrow:

“At Last” $.99

To publicize the new book, I have a blog tour (it’s the indie author’s version of a publicity campaign put on by a traditional publisher’s marketing department. There are interviews, reviews, giveaways, and we hope, sales). There is a giveaway:

Giveaway via Rafflecopter

Three people chosen at random will get signed copies of BOTH books and a beaded bracelet made by Yours Truly.  Do you feel lucky?

Okay, so I’m not giving away cars, Kindles, or leather jackets, but then I’m not Drew Carey.

If you’re not feeling so lucky, I have a different offer:

The first three people who buy “At Last” through the Buy Now link on this website will receive a beaded bracelet. This week ANYBODY who buys both books through the Buy Now link will receive 1) the bracelet and 2) I’ll refund the shipping cost of 1 book. Such a deal.

Buy Now link

This is a good day going on over here. Snoopy dancing good day, even.

snoopy dance

Snoopy Dancing

If you’re reading this, well, obviously I hope you’re buying my books, but I also sincerely hope that you also have a good day and a joyous day.

At Last Now Available (at last!)

You can now buy this


All right on this site! You want signed copies? I can get you signed copies!

For those who couldn’t get enough of Liz and Ty,their story continues. They have weathered some nasty storms and come through, wiser and  warier, but still in love. In “At  Last,” we get to see what  happens. Will it be smooth sailing?

To celebrate the launch, I have a couple of Kindle specials: “At Last” is part of a countdown  deal: from today, December 1 until December 3, it’s only 99 cents (I  miss the old cents sign); from December 4 to December 7, it’s $1.99, and December 8, it will be at the regular price of $2.99.

But wait….


“These Foolish Things” will be FREE on Kindle from December 1 to December 3. Within the next two weeks, it should  become available on other platforms (Nook, Kobo, IBooks). I will keep you posted.

And don’t forget: where I can “sign” your e-book copy with a personalized message!

And I will leave you with THE version of Liz and Ty’s song (as in “They’re playing our song”), “At Last.”

Miss Etta James, “At Last”