
Some Days, the Bear Eats You

At some point in 2015, I was optimistic enough to sign up for Deep in The Heart 2015, a group author signing event in Austin, TX on February 7. 2015. It was far enough in the future that I figured I could get the money for a plane ticket and hotel, etc. in time because surely, I would have a REAL job shortly.


Didn’t happen.

A great friend from high school donated airline miles and I had a fund raiser to for this and to fix my car. The car got fixed. Hotel, ground transport, etc? Not so much. People were generous. They will be acknowledged and thanked by name in the next book.

My heart is heavy.

I am fighting other battles (of my own creation, so I can’t bitch). I don’t know if I’ve hit the bottom and I’m about to start rising or of I’ve hit bottom and I. Stuck.

I’m no angel. Against my better judgment, I’ve let fear drive the bus and I’ve done some stupid shit that I’m paying for now (literally). I was counting on timing and providence to help me make this weekend happen. For once, they didn’t.

Maybe for the best. I have the same two books that I had t the end of 2013. Maybe this is the Universe’s way (or God. I’m not sure what’s out there, but I know we’re not alone) of saying, “Look, Kid. You need more material before the publishing houses see you. What you have is good, you just need to show you have one in the chamber.” Someone somewhere said the best marketing tool for your last book is your next one.

Like I said, I’m no angel. Because I’ve screwed up in credit and financial matters (and according to my research, I am not alone), I’ve learned a lot of shot the hard way. But I’ve learned it, fought successfully because I’ve learned, and I’m putting together materials to reach others. Everybody deserves respect Md dignity until they prove otherwise.

So, no Austin this weekend. Dream deferred (any town who wants to be weird, I need to go there).

But not dead.

Out With the Old and All That Jazz

Barry Manilow “Just Another New Year’s Eve”

(Yes, back in the mid 70s, I was a Barry Manilow fan. I’ve since recovered)

As I write this, people in the U.S. are beginning their prep to welcome in 2015. Parties are rising from boxes and bags, special “good luck” dinners are being cooked, candles lit (raise the energy level), etc.

Goodbye 2014.

Some folks will look back on this year remembering events of great joy such as weddings, babies, dream careers going up several notches, and the year will have been a banner for them.

Others, myself included, will not mourn its passing. For us, it has been a year of trial, loss, and in some cases, the masks being ripped away from so-called friends to show the nastiness hidden behind.

This was a year of losing what no longer served, learning who friends are, and figuring out what the lessons were I needed to learn. And figure them out, I did.

1) I got by with a LOT of help from my friends. )apologies to John, Paul, George, and Ringo)


Thanks to those who helped me quickly and efficiently leave a hostile living situation with an increasingly unstable roommate.

2) George Lucas was right. In an interview after “Return of the Jedi” was released, he referenced Joseph Campbell discussing the Ewoks: “When you’re nice to the little bunny on the side of the road…” I forget the rest of the quote, but it had to do with help from unexpected sources.




There are other lessons learned that I am not sharing here. Important ones, but they’re for me.

“Hey, 2015? Before you come in, we’ve got to lay down some rules…”

The WordPress App for IPad…

Reminder: e-books, sale, all platforms, Sept 30.


Need a link?
Buy Now!

We also now have a banner for the Burbank event on October 18. If you are within striking distance, please do come by:


(This has gotten so much easier since I installed the WordPress app. Somewhere, the ghost of Steve Jobs is snickering at me)

And since I’m testing out the “can I actually get this stupid furshlugger ipad to do what I want?”…
promo video

And since I can easily link to YouTube here, I’m going to close with one of. Y favorite things from this year. I don’t really stay up on pop music, but K Allen and company did a heroic spoof of “Talk Dirty to Me” which I’ve watched many times and it still makes me chuckle:

Talk Nerdy To Me


Greetings to the 7 or 8 people who actually read this blog and my books (okay, that’s a reverse exaggeration. However, I am not a best seller – yet- so….I’m taking license with the numbers).


and they are 50% off at Smashwords with those magic coupon codes.

I had been working on the prequel to “These Foolish Things” and “At Last” (tentatively titled “The Baldie Chronicles”), but it has been a struggle and not just because of disruptions by real life.  Telling Liz’s story before Ty has been tough.

Meanwhile, not so subtle pressure has been building for a story after “At Last.” I had intended the story to end exactly where it did. My hand to God and and  a notarized affidavit.

Here’s the thing: where a younger Liz wasn’t talking to me very much (you writers of fiction understand), the Liz of my creation WONT SHUT UP. Neither will Millie, Angie, Joey or …Ty. Actually, he just sits back and lets everyone else do the talking. Ty is cool like that.


Yeah, ah, okay, this is how I visualize him.

So, as I write this, I’m sitting in a Starbucks (how stereotypical) researching stroke recovery. And scribbling questions to myself  (the creativity works better with pen and paper). And I have another composition book. And I’m having trouble keeping up what I’m “hearing ” from Liz and friends (WILL YOU PLEASE STOP TALKING OVER EACH OTHER..!?!?!??? JESUS KUH-RIST ALMIGHTY!).

All y’all who said, “I want more!” It’s coming.

“Baldie Chronicles” is on hold.

“Untitled Liz Gardner Project” is underway. (Which means I need to do some changes on the Amazon site listing “At Last” as the third book.)