Tag Archive | These Foolish Things

What’s a Girl Got To Do?

This past weekend, “These Foolish Things” and “At a Last” chalked up more positive reviews on Amazon and Goodreads (they should be on the home page for this site. ALONG WITH ALL THE OTHER ONES).

It warms my heart. I wanted to create fun, realistic characters that, if they were real, the readers would want them as friends. That’s the feedback I’m getting. I succeeded.



What’s going to take to get more people reading and buy these good books? There are 5 days until the Smashwords Discounts expire (Wow! Where has August gone?):


(c’mon, people, use the damns codes)

i ve ve sent copies to Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie O’Donnell, Oprah (do I have to say her last name?) and to Mrs. Obama and Dr. Biden:

See?white house thanks

(The iPad and I just had a tussle over inserting that. We compromised)

Okay, the “fashion” in romance novels right now is still some supernatural (“Twilight” inspired), BDSM ( “50 Shades” inspired, which is actually “Twilight” derived), and essentially fan fiction inspired by rock bands, NASCAR, and TV shows.

I went a different way. I wrote about realistic people with recognizable issues finding a way to work through them to make a relationship work. No fangs, no kidnappings, no damsels in distress (although it can be argued that Ty Hadley, my lead guy, needs rescuing from his demons).

I write about people who had tough childhoods, but find a “soul family” in the DiNardos. Again, no fangs, but there’s a lot of Italian cooking (vampirism doesn’t go with garlic), head smacking, affection, and warmth.I didn’t “draw the curtain” after Liz and Ty got together (“These Foolish Things” and “At Last” were originally one book. I divided because …well, I’m an idiot). I wanted people to see (as they do in real life, if they think about it) that a realistic Happily Ever After is possible. It’s a lot of work, too. Life isn’t on cruise control.

So, what’s it going to take to get more people to read these books? I’ve offered them for free through Kindle and Smashwords. I’ve given away signed copies. I’ve swapped with other authors at signings….

I’ve been told to engage my audience.  I’ve posted questions on Goodreads and on my Amazon author page:

Susan Thatcher Amazon Author Central

Or should I just write smut under a pen name?


Greetings to the 7 or 8 people who actually read this blog and my books (okay, that’s a reverse exaggeration. However, I am not a best seller – yet- so….I’m taking license with the numbers).


and they are 50% off at Smashwords with those magic coupon codes.

I had been working on the prequel to “These Foolish Things” and “At Last” (tentatively titled “The Baldie Chronicles”), but it has been a struggle and not just because of disruptions by real life.  Telling Liz’s story before Ty has been tough.

Meanwhile, not so subtle pressure has been building for a story after “At Last.” I had intended the story to end exactly where it did. My hand to God and and  a notarized affidavit.

Here’s the thing: where a younger Liz wasn’t talking to me very much (you writers of fiction understand), the Liz of my creation WONT SHUT UP. Neither will Millie, Angie, Joey or …Ty. Actually, he just sits back and lets everyone else do the talking. Ty is cool like that.


Yeah, ah, okay, this is how I visualize him.

So, as I write this, I’m sitting in a Starbucks (how stereotypical) researching stroke recovery. And scribbling questions to myself  (the creativity works better with pen and paper). And I have another composition book. And I’m having trouble keeping up what I’m “hearing ” from Liz and friends (WILL YOU PLEASE STOP TALKING OVER EACH OTHER..!?!?!??? JESUS KUH-RIST ALMIGHTY!).

All y’all who said, “I want more!” It’s coming.

“Baldie Chronicles” is on hold.

“Untitled Liz Gardner Project” is underway. (Which means I need to do some changes on the Amazon site listing “At Last” as the third book.)

Je Me Souviens

The title comes from all the Quebec license plates I saw growing up. It means I remember (or zi remind myself).

if you know me personally,you know things have been challenging lately.same for my adopted home of Southern California. I not saying there’s a Fisher King kind of connection (if you saw “Excalibur,” you saw the legend of the Fisher King onscreen. When you weren’t looking at Helen Mirren’s armor-piercing nipples:


nothing like a dame…), but we seem to in sync with droughts. I gave thanks in advance for rain last week, thinking forward to October and a whopping El Niño (which is what we’d need to ease the drought). Lo and behold, we’ve had some unseasonal rain in the last 48 hours. Very, very welcome. So if the state is getting some relief, maybe it’s my turn.



I don’t have the amazing success of Jasinda Wilder or Bella Andre (self-published authors who have sold millions) YET, but those two teasers up there are evidence that I do have two published books.

I remind myself that I have two potentially vey successful properties out and available for sale . I said potentially  very successful because I believe that once the tipping point is reached, they Will be huge hits. Relatable characters, warmth, humor. I digress. I can hold copies in my hand. These aren’t just daydreams while I work at a job that I have just to pay the bills. I have done this. I have written a story. It is not locked in my head (Although the odds are long without a push in the right direction) My books can be found by someone who wants to make them into movies or someone as influential as Oprah could take a shine to them. Long odds, like I said, but not impossible.

I have achieved a lifelong dream.



I wanted to be an entertainer for as ling as I can remember.  I wanted to be on “Laugh In” live from Beautiful Downtown Bur. I had to get to California. It took me 40 years, but I got to California. Although I didn’t get here I time to be a regular on Laugh In (nor did an acting career really take off), I was in Beautiful Downtown Burbank this afternoon.

I have achieved two lifelong dreams.

so, while I haven’t manifested (yet) the Prize Patrol on the doorstep with an over sized check or an eccentric billionaire just coming up to hand me $100,000 (wouldn’t that be fun? And in this daydream, he always moves like Stimpy doing “Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy.”), I remind myself that I have the education, skills, and experience for a better job than what I have. Everything after UVM and the first interview with Fidelity Investments was on my initiative. This includes career changes and law school.

I have gotten myself this far. image

You’ re still looking at Helen Mirren’s nipples, aren’t you?